The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission announces the annual competition for Fulbright Senior Awards for Romanian professors, researchers and professionals who have a doctoral degree or equivalent (certified). Grants are available for conducting research and/or lecturing in the U.S. universities. 
The Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral program provides international travel, accident/sickness insurance and a monthly stipend covering accommodation and living expenses.
Application deadline: October 15, 2018
The Fulbright-RAF (Romanian-American Foundation) Scholar Award in the field of Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial Studies, dedicated to Romanian academics from technical universities and faculties, who wish to carry out a semester-long fellowship in residence at the University of Rochester – Ain Center for Entrepreneurship, for study and independent research, curriculum development, classroom observation and participation in community-based entrepreneurial activities.
The success of the program entails visionary professors committed to learning and implementing best practices in entrepreneurship education as well as university administrators committed to supporting new programs for their students.
Application deadline: October 24, 2018
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